Case Study:

Augmented Reality for Samsung Winter Olympics


The Brief

Create a high-tech footfall driver with a prize element for Samsung’s Winter Olympics Torch Relay arena for the Turin Winter Olympics 2006.


A competition mechanic based on Inition’s Augmented Reality technology MagicSymbol created a promotion that drove footfall to Samsung’s Sponsorship Arena with the promise of the chance to win one of a range of prizes from Ski-wear to Samsung mobile phones. Samsung handed out thousands of promotional flyers containing a MagicSymbol printed on the reverse. The recipients were invited to Samsung’s sponsorship arena to find out if they had won a prize.

This ‘reveal’ had a uniquely compelling twist: players showed their cards to a camera mounted above a plasma screen and magically a 3D image of their prize appeared floating on the card.


Inition identified Augmented Reality early on as having potential to engage with audiences in a unique and surprising way. This novelty factor was partly responsbile for the huge crowds that queuded up for the Samsung installation. Over 5000 interactions were counted over 5 days of the installation.