Case Study:

3D Pop Promo ‘Scream’ for Kelis – Directed by Rankin


The Brief

After collaborating with Inition on several test shoots, world famous fashion photographer Rankin chose Inition to supply the stereoscopic crew, expertise and equipment for a new pop music promo from Kelis called ‘Scream’.  It was essential that the 3D aspect did not add time to the one day/2D schedule.


Inition used an Element Technica Quasar rig and SI-2K 3D camera system. Element Technica’s motorised alignment, excellent rigidity and precise alignment, meant less correction was required on set and in post production, ideal when time was of the essence as it was with the Kelis ‘Scream‘ production schedule.

Brett Turnbull, DP on the shoot said: “We shot ‘Scream’ in 2D and 3D simultaneously using the same camera system. The whole set-up was very flexible and mobile, allowing us to experiment and see instant 3D playback on set. With an ambitious storyboard and limited shooting time, it was a real bonus that shooting in 3D actually had very little impact on the day’s schedule.”

On the day of shooting, Inition supplemented the regular crew with a stereographer, rig technician and camera assistant, and supervised the post production which was completed at OnSight, ensuring that Rankin’s trademark photographic style was not comprised and actually enhanced by the stereography.


You Tube Hit– ‘Scream’ 3D by Kelis was launched as an anaglyph 3D video exclusively on video sharing website YouTube, generating over half a million hits and counting. It features an exciting combination of negative and postive parallax shots, perfectly suited for the genre of a music video.

Inition’s crew and equipment ensured the production schedule was adhered too and the director was able to fully concentrate on the creative process.