Technology links never sleep

This week Variety Magazine extended everyone a virtual invitation to attend a Hollywood premiere, a Virtual Reality experience was launched to help child victims with schoolyard bullying, Cadbury turned your Facebook data into something delicious, ROY G BIV answered a very important, science-y pizza question, and a cute little Earth version of Wall-E was introduced.

Not to mention the Commonwealth Games have kicked off in Glasgow (along with a few technology accompaniments) and Comic-Con has officially started in San Diego. To say it’s been a busy week in the land of technology is clearly an understatement.

Thus, without further ado, here are our favourite technology links of the past week:

  • Word on the street is that Oculus VR is developing motion controllers to accompany the Rift
  • “Worldwide Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Market worth $1.06 Billion by 2018”
  • A Virtual Reality version of Professor Xavier’s Cerebro will be on display at Comic-Con!
  • The organisers behind the Glasgow Commonwealth Games have introduced Augmented Reality stickers to the backs of bus seats which passengers can engage with via an app on their phone. Magic