
AR and VR Open Day with InterSense Vcam and IS-1200


On Thursday 19th November at Inition’s NEW showroom, you will have a unique opportunity to get your hands on two of the hottest new VR and AR portable systems: Intersense’s Vcam and IS-1200.

Intersense Vcam

Launched just last March, Intersense’s VCam offers live-action cinematographers the chance to interface real world professional cameras with fully animating virtual scenes. Now film directors can gain direct control to their virtual sets and characters for rapid previsualisation at production resolution and games producers can cut time on animating cut scenes.

Intersense IS-1200

The IS-1200 offers unheard-of accuracy for VR and AR applications in nearly limitless combinations. The camera and tracking software takes positional data from markers in any sized space and backs this up with orientation and accelerometer data from an on-board Inertial sensor, Intersense’s Inertiacube3.