
INITION Wins Big with Duplicate Cannes Lion Award


AstraZeneca’s Patient Profiler campaign has won a Duplicate Silver Lion award in the Pharma category for Cannes Lions 2016.

Touching Diabetes Patients’ Lives, created by INITION and Ogilvy Commonhealth UK, picked up two Silver Lions in the Pharma category for using technology innovations in healthcare communications.

INITION were tasked with developing an innovative method for display which could go beyond statistics to personify patients’ data. Two different systems were used, the first  using a zSpace monitor where users could reach into a holographic screen and interact with patient data in 3D. The second system used a MultiTaction multi-touch table. With this device, users were able to collaboratively pull up and compare data from different patients giving healthcare professionals a means of more ‘patient-centric’ care.  


The project was especially exciting for INITION to work on a project which engaged both tactile and digital mediums. To add to the experience, INITION 3D-printed 16 unique colour figures of patients to add a more personal touch. These were used as a tactile interface and when placed on the tables screen surface triggered the relevant content.

Chair of the judging panel for the Pharma category, Rob Rogers, Chief Creative Officer and Co-Chief Executive of Americas for Sudler, said that he had seen an uplift in quality in terms of entries for the Health sector at Cannes this year.

“This year we saw more entries from a wider range of countries and the work was of a better quality with more kinds of different creative…we all agreed that this was a great piece of creative,” he added.

Other winning companies included Orexo, Mexico Red Cross, Shield Therapeutics, Novartis and Otsuka.